Hi, my name is Nigel and welcome to my blog.
I am a proud recipient of a 2017 New Colombo Scholarship which will allow me to study in Beijing and Hong Kong in 2017.
Having never been to China, studied the language, or really lived away from Australia for any significant period, I’m in for a real challenge.
Over the course of 2017, I will be travelling in and around China, experiencing as much of the region as possible. I’ll be updating this site with my adventures and all the crazy things I see along the way, so be sure to check-in from time to time.
You can also follow me on Instagram.
I am grateful to the Australian Government and the New Colombo Plan for affording me this unique opportunity. Obviously, any views and opinions I express, however mundane, ridiculous or ingenious, are my own and do not represent the views of the Australian Government.

New Colombo Plan Award Dinner, November 2016. Feat: Minister for Foreign Affairs and Governor General.